Horse means something unique to each of us and holds images specific to us. There is a power in what they can teach us not only in their actions through the herd but in their grounding, spirituality, and intuitive ability. 


We spend a large portion of our lives at work.  It supports us financially and is an integral part of how we live.  It also has a greater impact on who we are more than most of us think. 


Our personal and professional lives are more interconnected than we think. When we are at work we are interacting with people.  These are co-workers, clients, vendors, bosses, etc. Each one of those interactions is a life experience and can add and alter to our professional experience. In addition, who we are drives our professional personas. 


Adopting a herd mentality in our professional lives can teach us an alternate way of thinking of group interaction. This approach is based on trust, knowing the individuals we work with, understanding our own unique skill sets, allowing us to find our place within our team.  Its thinking is focused on the mutual benefit of the group and its success. A herd is always working towards the overall benefit of the group, allowing it to thrive as a whole instead of simply survive as individuals.

Connect with us and explore your possibilities. 

Pegasus Growth and Leadership
1210 Hamlet Chapel Rd
Pittsboro, NC, 27517

Phone: +919 376-5716


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